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From FL Streets to Global Beats: A Candid Conversation with Polo Da A ََBaby

Polo Da A Baby, the rising rap sensation from Florida, has been making waves in the hip-hop industry with his unique style and genuine approach to music. From the streets of his hometown to crafting beats that resonate globally, Polo's journey is nothing short of inspiring.

In this exclusive interview, we delve deep into his artistic process, the influence of personal experiences on his music, and his views on the evolving landscape of hip-hop. Join us as Polo Da A Baby shares insights into his creative world, collaborations, and what fans can anticipate from his upcoming projects.

Q. Can you tell us about your journey into the world of hip-hop and what initially inspired you to pursue a career in music?

My journey into the world of hip hop was when I saw how it brings people together and how the beats and words make you feel so I always wanted to have that effect on people which made me want to pursue it.

Q. How do you approach the creative process when writing your lyrics and crafting your music?

Usually I ride around and listen to beats with my Homeboy and it’s like when you feel the beat it tells you what to say on it.

Q. Many artists draw inspiration from personal experiences. How do your own life experiences influence your music?

At first I never wanted to put my own experiences in Music because I felt like no one could relate to it but when you put your life in it and speak on your struggles, pain,city, friends, family and how they affect you people relate to that so I just started putting what I go through and kinda vent to the beat.

Q. In what ways do you think your style sets you apart from other rappers in the industry?

My style is totally different, like I know with my flow I’m one of one because of where I’m from, where I was raised and what type of inspirations I have so being as FL rapper people probably would even tell because of how I am as an Artist/musician.

Q. Collaboration is a big part of the music industry. Can you share with us some of your most memorable collaborations and what you learned from them?

I tend not to collaborate with too many artists for personal reasons but I like my collab projects with 3500DC because he's so honest he’ll tell me “nah say it like this or nah yo style ain’t like that” he is an artist I do like working with.

Q. Your stage presence is often a topic of discussion. How do you prepare for live performances, and what do you hope your audience takes away from your shows?

I write so many songs and freestyle so much when I prepare I try to rehearse and practice the song and how I am going to say it and incorporate the crowd in the performance because I do love my fanbase because they make me a better artist. I hope people take away that anyone can do whatever they want and be who they wish to be. This world is easy as long as you know how to astroguide yourself.

Q. The hip-hop genre is known for addressing social and political issues. Do you see yourself as an advocate for any particular cause through your music?

I try to be like I may say a couple things but my platform is not as big as others so I try to say what's going to keep me going up.

Q. How do you navigate the balance between staying true to yourself as an artist and meeting the expectations of your audience and the industry?

This is a good question. I try to never change myself too much because I’m already in the MIX and it’s because of how I live so it's like my natural self is what my audience likes and the music I put out they like it how it is.

Q. Can you discuss the significance of storytelling in your music and how you use it to connect with your listeners?

So I don’t really do story telling in my new music but my Old music always has a story in it, like just so they can listen for a quick story or be like “oh dang he did that or went through that.”.

Q. With the rise of streaming platforms, the way music is consumed has changed significantly. How do you think this shift has impacted the hip-hop community, and how do you adapt to these changes?

Yeah I do now I feel like the way music is consumed is based off popularity and not what the artist is saying too much and nowadays Record Labels and artist fake likes, streams and followers to the point the leading the fans into a trap because everyone got a unique sound for the most party but like 90% of people do what others do so they go listen because others listen.

Q. Finally, what's next for you in your career, and what can fans expect to see from you in the near future?

I have a Project coming up that means a lot to me and I hope my audience understand like it’s different types of music in that album and I want them to really understand one, my versatility as an artist and two, how lyrical I am and that a lot of effort and hard work went into is especially as an independent artist.

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